After that, look up and to the left, along the ledge above you will find a gauge. As you pass through here, smash the first crates you come across, hidden behind them is another memory. When you do will the gauge a platform will be lowered that will let you reach the far archway. Stagger your shots around the foot to avoid overheating the Grinder. Just as the foot begins to fall, start shooting your Pepper.

At one end you will see a gauge you need to pepper around the foot. At the platform, look to your right, at the stomping foot. Cranking Up and Pressing Down Head forward and to the right, up the stairs towards the archway above. Either one requires you to perform a triple jump and Float to reach. The one on the Right leads to a teacup that will take you into Cranking Up and Pressing Down while the Left leads to Smelling and Regurigitating. Turn and face the elevator you can up to find them. Once you have beaten the Menacing Ruin, two gauges will rise t othe sides of the platform you are on. Using the Umbrella and the Vorpal Blade, this new enemy should pose little trouble. It will throw fireballs at you, likely in trios, as well as charge you with a punch attack. To aid in your learning, you will now need to face Menacing Ruin. It will deflect attacks as long as it is still spinning from being deployed. The game explains how to use the Umbrella at this point both defensively by holding the focus and its button as well as how to use it to deflect attacks. Now grab the umbrella sitting in the center of the platform the elevator took you to. You need to double jump over to it for just a short snip of a memory. Pepper it to cause a platform to rise with a memory on it. You will find a snout just sniffing away over there. Once you arrive at the top of the platform, take a moment to head to the right and look below.

Detonate the bomb to cause it to rise again. Place a Clockwork bomb on it to hold the platform and rush over to where it was blocked before. On the right you will find a route you can use along with a bottle just on the other side of the wall you blasted. After a cut scene with some bargaining, take a moment to blast the weak wall on the left-side of the room near the pots. On the far side you will encounter the Mad Hatter, who has literally gone to pieces. Shoot it with the Pepper Grinder to lower the platform so you can cross. You will find a red switch at the far end of a pit. Slaughter all of the Ruins to open the path to the next part. Click the appropriate button as you are automatically at very low life. Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 4 – Reassembling The Mad Hatter You will see a brief cut scene then you are thrown into battle against a number of Insidious Ruins.